The dry and cold winter can be very damaging to your hair. It can easily become dry during this time of year from the dry indoor heating and the dry cold weather outside.
You may want to rock those cute hats and scarfs you see in those magazine but you have to remember that it's not fitted too tightly on your head. this will restrict circulation in your scalp.
Limit your use of "hot" items on your hair such as a blow dryers and curling irons. If you need to use a "hot" item use a leave in conditioner before using the item on your hair.
Limit your use of "hot" items on your hair such as a blow dryers and curling irons. If you need to use a "hot" item use a leave in conditioner before using the item on your hair.
Avoid taking hot showers or washing your hair in hot water, use warm or cool water instead, the heat can dry out and/or damage your hair .
Hair products that have the word, "Replenish" on it is made to moisturize your hair.
i wish i had known about this blog before i came to china and lost all my hair. pls suggest products which help with hair being brittle and breaking.