I think the young ladies in this video look absolutely beautiful with their natural hair. My younger sister went natural last year after years of suffering breakage due to relaxers. I on the other hand know and understand how to take care of my relaxed hair and don't plan to go natural. Come to think of it..all of my sisters are natural (you can check my older sister's blog about her journey to being natural here)
I dont think that being natural will make your hair grow any faster. If you take care of your hair...it will grow healthy whether you're natural or not. My younger sister was so violent with her hair, never kept it moisturized, colored or relaxed too often, hardly deep conditioned it and was always manipulating it which in turned damaged her tresses. She went natural so that she can make a clean start with her hair journey. Her hair is thriving and she's making better decisions when it comes to the health it.


There's nothing wrong with being natural or relaxed....i believe that the only thing that matters is the health of your hair.
Happy hair growing ladies!
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