Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Aloe Vera: The Mighty Plant

Aloe Vera is affordable, safe and natural and has been used by many different cultures to stimulate hair growth. Aloe Vera is known to balance out the PH balance and stimulate the production of enzymes on your scalp which in turn helps stimulate hair growth. It contains superoxide dismutane which is an enzyme known for its stimulating and hair-nourishing. It also helps in the creation of nitric oxide, which is also good for the treatment of hair loss in women.  
  • Detangles and Moisturizes - Aloe Vera Juice or Gel has incredible moisturizing and soothing properties which makes it the ultimate choice for dry and damaged hair. It contains more than 20 minerals and vitamins such as vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E. Hair follicles need vitamins; therefore, an abundant supply of vitamins is good for hair growth.
  • Heals and Soothes Damaged Scalp from Scratches, Burns, Dandruff, etc.
  • Reduces Dandruff, Itchy, Scaly Scalp and Seborrheic Dermatitis - Aloe Vera’s antibacterial properties help to reduce excess sebum. Sebum is an oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands and helps the scalp to remain moisturized. However, if produced in excess amounts, it accumulates on the scalp, combines with dirt and forms a crust that can damage your hair follicles and prevent new hair follicles from growing.
  • Activates Fresh Growth and Balances pH Level (Porosity) of Hair - Aloe Vera increases blood circulation to the roots of hair follicles, thus activating new hair growth. It also helps in cleansing the pores and balancing the pH of your scalp.
  • Enhances Cellular Rejuvenation
  • Use aloe Vera gel to treat the areas of the scalp that are going bald. Aloe Vera contains an enzyme that helps promote new hair growth for some people. The gel can be applied directly to the scalp, as aloe Vera typically has no side effects.
  • For maximum hydration, leave aloe Vera juice in your hair overnight. You can mix it with olive or avocado oil for extra conditioning. Wet your hair with the mixture, put your hair in a shower cap, and drift off to sleep. In the morning rinse well if you used pure juice.  Shampoo and condition your hair if you added oils. 
  • Make an aloe Vera shampoo. When combined with wheat germ oil and coconut milk, aloe Vera gel makes a shampoo to promote hair growth. Use the shampoo as often as you wash your hair
  • Instead of your regular conditioner use 1/4 cup aloe gel and combine with olive oil. Mix in a few drops of your favorite essential oil(s) for fragrance. Apply after shampooing, leaving it on for three to five minutes then rise.
  • Before going to bed, dab a bit of Aloe Vera on your scalp with your fingers or cotton ball. Massage in the scalp and hair.  Wash the next day.  If you would rather not sleep with the gel, put Aloe Vera in your hair first thing in the morning and then wash after an hour.  Remember longer is better!
  • Aloe Vera works to prevent or cure dandruff. Apply the juice or gel directly to your scalp, and rub it in well. You can add a few drops of tea tree oil for extra potency. Leave it on for 20 minutes then rinse out. Repeat this several times a week for two weeks or until the problem goes away.
  • Aloe Vera juice is soothing for itchy, irritated or sunburned scalps.  Apply it directly onto hair. Rub it gently into the scalp; leave in until irritation stops then rinse.  Reapply whenever the irritation resurfaces.

Aloe Vera juice is also an astringent which can become drying if left in the scalp for long periods of time.  Use aloe Vera juice as a conditioning treatment then wash out.  If you choose to leave it in the hair make sure to mix the aloe Vera juice with oil before applying. Oil seems to balance out the drying effect of aloe. If itching or skin irritation occur, discontinue use.

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