Monday, January 25, 2010


Kima - Yaki Perm

A few weekends ago I decided to take out my Bohyme Brazilian Wave and install a straight weave until President's Weekend. I had some Lugo's hair left over from my summer install but wanted to add fresh hair to the batch. I didn’t have the money to shell out to get some more hair from Lugo's, so I decided to go to the beauty supply store (BSS) and get packaged hair (which by the way I HATE!). The young lady in the store recommended that I use a brand called "Kima - Yaki Perm" which is made by Harlem 125. I was suspect but thought "I have no ends so I might as well suck it up and get the hair".

I spent $24.99 for 1 pack and the length was 16 inches (not bad at all). I went home, braided and sewed the weave in and then washed the hair and to my surprise the hair didn’t matte or tangle!!! I've had this weave in for 3 weeks now and have washed it at least 4 times and it's bouncer and shiny as can be. This hair does not like product in it; the less product, the more natural it looks. Girls, this hair is the bomb! I highly recommend buying this hair when you're on a budget.

This is me with the hair in the first day I bought it.

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